
Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Thoughts about the Final Fantasy XIII series

Hello my Kittens~
Today's post is more of a rant/me talking from a personal perspective about a game series

That Series is FFXIII 
Which the triology came to conclusion a month or so ago.

I'm not going to spoil anything so don't worry
But in all seriousness; maybe the series wasn't the best? But personally I liked the characters a lot. They were very relate-able, very human. They weren't exaggerated nor were they extremely unrealistic like most fictional characters; which is why I think they got a lot of hate, they were flawed; they were messed up, but above all they were human   
That's why they weren't very well liked, they were selfish, scared, They were 
Like us
They were weak
Not the flashy Heroes who come to save the day
Honestly I liked all the characters
yes I was annoyed by some *cough*Vanille*cough*
But I didn't go bashing the series for making the characters as human as possible.
The ending was decent though

But to be fair the first game's gameplay mechanics were crap

While the second was better in the first in one thing which is the gameplay system
*I liked it BITE ME*
The story was less effective 
and a bit confusing to be honest
But the ending is what annoyed the living shit out of me

I invested in that game!! so I was extremely annoyed by the ending....

Let's talk the last game
Lightning returns
So I've heard and read in so many places that the ending in Lightning Returns FFXIII was shit...
And let me tell you something IT WASN'T!!
The story in this one was very interesting
I liked the arc and the changes happening
I liked the afflictions and the characters
Most of all I liked how Lightning became 
 No spoilers remember?

But for those who were bashing the ending are the same ones 
who say the best game was FFVII 
Ignoring all the glorious line of Final Fantasy games
mind you I love FFVII to the point of obsession
but to just keep comparing every single game in the franchise to it is ridiculous 
I wish people would stop that

I loved the ending
it gave me goosebumps and had me tear up at parts
Yes I am more emotionally invested in "fictional" *they're real to me* characters 
than to actual humans sue me
I loved it so much!
I also liked the extra twist they made at the end
had me really happy about the whole thing

The ending of Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII
made it worth all that for me

if you played a game in your youth chances are your nostalgia is what makes it
look so great
I'm not saying that the game might not be,
cause I still play Pokemon Red from time to time and it's still awesome
Stop comparing games to old ones

It will save you a lot of headache
Don't get a game expecting a specific thing
*OK basic things like a decent story and gameplay are required*
it might make you more open to different games 
or games you said you won't buy again
Just try to enjoy it don't just judge it
but if you don't like it, in the end it's your opinion.

Ok that's it for this rambling mess
I will go back to Infamous Second son now
Which has a whole goddamn post deserving of it's splendours 

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love and kisses to all >3

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