
Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall/Winter Fashion

Hello my kittens~
I know I didn't do a fashion post in forever
so here's the summary of what I thought was cute
in the Winter/Fall Gyaru fashion this season~
Oh yes this post is more 
of a pictures post, so this and the end will be the only time where
you guys will read my typing :D enjoy~~

So those are what I thought were pretty nice trends,
and please keep in mind I have a random fashion sense, I mostly
dress comfy, like skinny jeans and T-shirts
but I love Rocker/Bohemian/Cute styles too
So that's why you'll see everything is extremely random :D
that's my brain for you~~

That's it for the post I hoped you liked
Also I finished the Assassin's Creed Picture and posted it on my DA page
cause I can't post the full image here due to the file being huge...
here's where you'll find the Final Image

Thanx for reading and Stay tuned for the next post~~
Love and Kisses to all~~ <3

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Hello my kittens~
This post is a bit short and to the point~

So I might be MIA a lot these few next months
For some reason my collage is having this condensed course
so I barely have time to even breathe
and on my free time, I either rest, draw or read books
*that is not considering video games*

So my news is that I have decided to not only
use my blog for hauls, updates and reviews only
since I want to involve it more in my life
So I am going to use it to upload more 
WIP pictures~
which stands for Work in Progress drawings
Since I always take screenshots already so it's good
to finally put them to use ^w^

This way I can upload a lot more than I usually do
so hope you like this idea~~

Well since the Official release of AC3 is almost upon us
I got inspired and I started doing this~~
Also I'm working on a couple of things for the blog
which will hopefully be done as soon as possible~~