
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Hello my kittens~~
Super quickie post~
I'm going to post the nails that I have right now~
it's just a simple Graffiti nail but I wanna share the look ^w^

I used these two things~~
 I used these things
1- Zoya Snow White
2- IsaDora Graffiti nail top in Subway Green

 This is how the base looks like

 And this is how it looks like with the top coat~
I honestly don't think this combination is the best, but I don't know what to 
combine my top with...

 And as a bonus my and my Kitty playing PS3~~~ 
And Hello kitty PJ~

Hope you enjoyed this micro post~~

Thanx for reading and see you in the next post~
Love & Kisses to all ~~ <3<3

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Growing Your Hair

Hello my Kittens~~
Another post because I have time ^w^
So today's post is about Growing your hair~

Growing your hair can be a long Frustrating process 

But I can tell you a few tricks that help me grow my hair super quickly,
in two months I get my shortest layer<above my ear> to reach my jawline 
Ok let's begin~~

1- Be patient!!
Growing hair takes time, as the growing speed is different for 
every person, and the more you rush it the slower it grows :D

2- Don't over-wash your hair

It's good to wash your hair, I mean Hygiene is important and all, but sometimes
washing your hair everyday isn't required. Over-washing the hair strips it from it's natural oils, leaving it 
weak, fragile and breakable.

3- Stay away from heat
I know it's hard, but I learned to do heat-free methods. At first they were disastrous but then my 
hair loved them and it turned out wonderful. Plus not only you're protecting your hair against damage
but you're also helping planet earth by reducing electricity use ^w^
4- Genetics
Not everyone has the same growth speed, don't compare yourself to someone else, it will save you alot of stress and unhappiness~

5- Supplements
 Supplements help you acquire your daily need of vitamins and minerals when you don't get them from your
meals daily, Vitamin A helps accelerate the growth of the hair, but too much of can cause hair loss,
because your body can't make up for the extreme growth speed of the hair ^w^
Always ask your doctor about this~

 6- Hair Treatmnts
 I'm talking about hair masks, oils, home remedies, you name it~
I sometime use mayonnaise for extra shine 20 mins before shower and 
the results are awesome~
The reason why these are important is because they help strengthen your hair,
which means strong hair = better growth because there is less breakage ^w^

7-Scalp Massage
Scalp massage increases blood flow to the head and hair cuticles. So massage your hair for a minute
everyday and when you have shampoo on, and it's really good for headaches ^w^

So that's it for this post
Hope you enjoyed reading this 
and hope this helped

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love & Kisses to all ~~~ <3

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rescue Me by The Nail Doctor Review

Hello My Kittens~~
It's time for a product review~
I wanted to do this review for so long now,
but when I got it I was overwhelmed with projects and finals 
That I couldn't do it...
But now here it is and I hope you enjoy it ^w^

So this review is going to be about a nail treatment Called Rescue me
By the Nail Doctor
This is how the box look like, I was very disappointed by the size it's sooo small....

 This is the box from the back, it basically says what in the front, it's useless they don't tell you how many time you should use it, or how is the application time is meant to be...

 These are the bottles next to a pencil.... see how tiny??

 You're supposed to apply toughen up first then apply rock on,

So now the pics are over now to the review:

So it promises an end to thinning, peeling and splitting nails in only ten days!!!
Did it do that??? Not 100% anyways, it helped with the splitting at the side of my nails, but it didn't really 
make my nails any stronger, the moment I wipe it off, it's useless, my nails go back to weak and sad...

So it might be a good base coat...
I'll give it a 6/10 only because it helped git rid of the splitting only....
And I don't think it's really worth the money, for something that costs that much and is so tiny and not so
so I won't be buying it again...
That's it for this post~~
Hope you enjoyed reading it

Also these are my honest thoughts I was not paid for this review *obviously considering I slandered the product XD*

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love & Kisses to all ~~ <3 

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Fave Video Games Franchise

Hello My Kittens~~~ <3
Today's post is a bit nerdy~~
I'm going to talk about the Video games that I grew up with~~
I've been playing video games for a long time
I can't remember when but I remember having the old GBC and loving it like
it's the best thing in the world~~
*This is the one I had, couldn't find mine so I just googled it*

Let's start with the one I played the longest,
I could say with pride that I have played every Pokemon game that was released on a portable console starting from GBC to the DS series not including the useless spinoff series (explorers/rangers)
I'm in love with this franchise I don't care how old I am I will always be playing my Pokemon games~~
I grew up with the anime and the video games, it just means so much to me~ <3

Next is~~

I love this franchise, it's sweet, cute and fun to play. It's not a simple game it requires alot of thinking and planning, I just find playing this game calming and soothing also very entertaining~~~ <3


Next up is~~

Dynasty warriors~~~ I didn't play all the games but I started from the 2nd one on PS2 and I'm still on board~
This game is an amazing stress reliever, all the previous games didn't have that much of a story, but in my personal opinion is that the 7th one has such interesting story for me a player of the series for a long time,
I know I'll just be playing this franchise for a long time ^w^ 

If you follow me on twitter you will know that this is my current and favourite obsession.
It's my drug and I love every second of it,
Assassin's Creed is probably one of the craziest and most amazing game idea ever
After all
Nothing is True, Everything is Permitted 
Last but not least ~
Final Fantasy games~~~~ OMG I love them~~~~ I just love Final Fantasy games,
I don't care if people trash the story, Square-Enix put alot of work in their games, the high quality video games, the different stories, characters it's hard to keep up, I just love this franchise ~~ ^w^
plus I'm not hard to please, give me cute guys and high quality Fantasy game with extra battles I'm in 

So in short I posted my most beloved game franchises of all time so hope you
enjoyed this post as I enjoyed writing it ^w^

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~~
Love & Kisses to all ~~ <3