
Sunday, March 25, 2012

Fun over last week~

Hello my Kittens~~
This is a complete and absolute nerdy post~
even nerdier than video games XD 
Mainly because it's about an experiment we did 
in one of my Bio classes~~
You only have this much fun in Bio labs~

So I'm not going to mention the plant name for several reasons 
mainly because though the plant is model for tissue culture
using it is bad ~~~
Not really but just in case ^w^

So we were supposed to grow a whole plant from just a simple nodal cutting~~
Nodal cutting for those not familiar with it:
~You cut a part of the stem containing axillary buds *growing things*
and place it in a MS media for it to grow~~
*My whole lab life in a nutshell~~*

So here are the pics one week after incubating it in this huuuuuuge
incubator where I can fit in~

 Pretty big leaves are pretty~~

 Two of our pretty ones got fungal infection :(

Pretty healthy roots *I feel so scientific* 

 A good amount of water vapour means out plantlets are doing photosynthesis ~~~


So on Thursday we went to a hotel for dinner~~
The food wasn't so awesome but dessert was good~~

 Look how pretty~~
*Not all of it for me, I shared it with my sis~*

And I got a henna tattoo~~
So it's not permanent but I couldn't resist getting the Creed's mark on my skin~~
I love it <3~

That's it for this post hope you enjoyed reading it~~

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~~
Love and Kisses to all~~

Monday, March 19, 2012

Final Fantasy XIII-2 review

Hello My kittens~~
Finally a video game review~~~
I've been stalling in this one for a while...
But not anymore,
but be warned tons of pics are included~~
So here's my Final Fantasy XIII-2 Collector's Edition~~

Box 1

Oh guess what another Box >.>

Finally No more boxes *considering...*
 Because regular covers are too mainstream ~~

 My Official Soundtrack CDs~~
*Sooo cute <3*

 More artwork~~

 The most important thing~~
Yelled but stopped halfway when I found it,
it's cause I went through the whole thing and couldn't find it XD

A little peek on the concept art book included <3

Before I start I got mine at GamesQ8
My favourite Video games website ~~`

Game review:
To be honest I enjoyed this game far more than it's prequel.
This one was fun engaging and wasn't as depressing and frustrating as FFXIII
I loved the graphics, 
the story, 
Noel <3
Snow *he has to be included <3*
Sazh *my love him and his baby chocobo*
OMG and 20is years old Hope <3<3<3

What's not to love about this game you ask
minus the filler story??

The Ending!!!!
I don't like spending 2 weeks on a video game just to want to throw my 
PS3 controller at the screen for the crappy ending and getting 

*Not really but skip if you don't wanna know*

A stupid to be continued freaking ending!!!
I was making weird noises in frustration that my sis asked what's wrong...

Anyways, minus those to silly events I really enjoyed the game
it's good for fun, and the graphics are beautiful~~
Plus the boys in this one are pure cuteness~~
From my female point of view ^w^

That's pretty much it I don't want to make it any longer than it should be so 
I hope you enjoyed this post ~~
Oh and I apologize for the Pics crappy quality, my lights are dead :(

P.S. I wasn't sponsored at all in this review~ I bought everything~
Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next one~~
Love and Kisses to all ~~ <3

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Strawberry Nails~

Hello my Kittens~~
What's up???
How's it going??
I once again postponed my FFXIII-2 Collector's Edition pics cause I'm lazy sorry~
But instead I did a nail tutorial 
cause a lot of people said the look cute 
And I feel that they look cute~~

First of all I picked up these polishes at Claire's cause I couldn't find the minty blue
anywhere I went, but I found it there, the whole nail polishes come in a complete set 
so most likely you'll find them there, if not use whatever colour you have available~~


I used to base colours cause I don't like having all my nails the same colour
XD I'm weird like that~~

So the lighter pink is for my Albino strawberry or so I like to call it~~
The darker shade is for your regular strawberry you can choose whatever colours you want, 
I found the design via google and just played around with the design~

Here's the colour for the leaves:
I used a light pastel green for the strawberry because they look sweeter and less harsh compared to a more vivid green, but all that depends on what colours you're choosing for your strawberry~~

The Seeds colour~~
I like the clash of this colour and the pinks, again choose whatever you want~~

Colour you nails with the base colour and mix up the colours
then you can apply the green to make the leaves
finally make the dots on the nails~~~
Again I saw the picture online so I didn't follow a tutorial just went with my imagination~~

Here's the final look~~
It can be messy as long as you have fun~~~

That's it for this post hope you liked it and found it helpful ^w^ ~~

Thanx for reading this post see ya soon hopefully~~
Love and Kisses to all <3