
Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Travel diaries 1 Nottingham

 Hello my kittens~~
So I was going to write something last week
but That was my finals week...
Luckily I don't have to see any of those professors ever again
excluding my Zoology professor who's amazing <3

I may have went to UK...

my younger sister moved here to study so naturally I "visited" her
Currently I'm in Nottingham 
and honestly I'm in love with the atmosphere and the Gothic feel of the place <3

today is officially my first day
even though I arrived on the 29th but that was a super long day of airport shit and 
commuting all the way to Nottingham
So today was the day I actually explore the city centre
needless to say I made my sister walk almost the whole city centre because I'm like that XD

We wanted to go to visit a few more places but they were closed
however we did go to a couple of tours which was super fun~

The crime and punishment tour, which was so amazingly fun~
also our Guide was the best person ever she was just pure awesomeness 

 Honestly the tour is awesome they also give you a convict number so you get to see what you did
I forgot the surname but Thomas "aka me"
Stole a cow and got killed for it
I wish I'm kidding
They killed the poor bastard for stealing a cow! XD 
here are some of the pics 

*I like this pic so whateves*

The second tour was about the underground caves in Nottingham which was super informative 
I know a few people who do not enjoy informative things on travels and only think of shopping
but honestly, to me if it's fun and informative 
or Dark and stuff then it's completely entertaining to me
I'm an easy person to entertain actually

 After the tours we went to the Christmas thing that's still going on the in the centre and got ourselves a real treat
This beautiful baby <3
This is mini dutch pancakes with Nutella Chocolate sauce and strawberries <3
pretty much what heaven taste like <3 

Also sis got me tons of cute stuff for my birthday 
since she wasn't able to see me on my birthday <3 which was soo cute

This is a cute nomination that's actually a black strap~~ not the golden or silver which is pure beauty 
it's soooooo pretty <3

 She also got like tons of other stuff most skeleton related and SNK manga!!!
she kept saying that she couldn't find it 
she was lying to me so I would be surprised when she give it to me T.T *happy tears*

so pretty T.T

Well that's it for the photo diaries today ~~
Hopefully there will be more soon!!

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next post
Love and kisses to all~ <3

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Pokemon X&Y Game review

Hello my kittens~
Sorry for this long overdue post...
Yeah I've been kinda murdered this semester
Plus who new that starting your own manga can be so time consuming??


I did say I was going to do an X an Y review and no I have yet to finish AC T.T 
(F U college life...)

OK in all honesty here 
If you played Pokemon Black & White 2
you might have given up on the franchise
I know mentally I did
(only for a bit XD)
That game was so boring I almost killed myself
and I played every portable Pokemon game
(Excluding the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon thing)

So I can say I know a few things about Pokemon games XD
But these two games
have freaaking revolutionized the entire Pokemon series games

The fact they finally did the battles in 3D is amazing and the Pokemon trainer interaction
is amazing
Also the introduction of the new Pokemon type
is a smart move, since the Dragon type was almost invincible... 
And OMG the story!!
The freaking story man!
I can't believe how amazing this was
and let's not even talk about how beautiful the scenes were in this
they did everything right
I love this generation
and the fact I can get Charmander, that just sealed the deal to a perfect game XD

Let's get down to rating shall we?
Gameplay 4.75/5 Don't fix what's not broken, cause the system is still amazing
Story 5/5 This is the best Pokemon story yet, very emotional, a lot of characters interaction, love it <3
Graphics (compared to old Poke games XD) 7/5 cause dude you haven't seen the cut-scenes yet 

So all and all Pokemon X & Y are totally worth getting 
whether you're new to the franchise or a long time fan
Just pick this up 
these guys deserve the profit for these two games <3<3

That's it for this post~~
Hope you like it~ ^^

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next one 
I'm sorry I've been so inconsistent ....
Love and Kisses to all ~~ <3<3

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Assassin's Creed 4 Black Flag Limited Edition Unboxing

Hello my kittens~~
I did say that the unboxing will be up in a few days~
technically the package arrived yesterday
but I was too busy playing myself to death 
so here it is~~

So I come home from a long day with a midterm (which I spent the whole time just thinking about the package XD) to this

Yeah my cat has a thing for boxes and the fact that I came home from a long day and she wanted some attention XD

It comes in a slip cover thing like the last limited edition
(I swear it's like I wait every year for Ubisoft to release the limited editions and I love that they're in October this way it can be my birthday gift to me XD)
But it's so huge! I was like whaaaat??

Only to realize that the action figure is 18" no I'm not kidding XD
I thought it was 9" 
(I didn't really read the description, all I saw was AC4 Black Flag limited edition and the next minute it was pre-ordered I don't know how XD)

Being the clumsy ungraceful un-boxer I may have yelled
Injured myself
And begged the boxes to open on their on
The whole process took around 15-20 minutes including the Action figure assembly...

Here's a shitty picture of the figure, sorry wasn't really in the best photographing mood
I wanted to play the game so bad!!

But wait there's more!!!

As the previous LE a huge badass flag is included
It doesn't have one of my favourite thing no
BUT 3!!
A Black flag
with the Assassin's Creed Symbol
and a Skull <3
It's pretty huge it's 28"X 48" so yeah XD

 And the artbook <3<3<3 Nothing makes me happier than the beautiful work of AC <3

The steel box front (Left) and back (right)
it's very beautiful and shiny and pretty!!
but the shiny silver parts don't photograph well :(
Hey at least I get to enjoy it XD
I may spend 2-3 minutes every time starting at the steel box cause it's really pretty

Inside is the Game and the soundtrack plus tons of codes

I wish they had a separate case for the Soundtrack
it's a pain to have to remove the game to listen to it...

OK so this thing here! This fucking soundtrack is amazing!!
I always love AC soundtracks, but this is breathtaking
it's better than the Ezio Trilogy soundtrack!
I said it!!
Breathtaking and amazing 
UGH so speechless <3<3 
 Mr. Brian Tyler you sir deserve an award a bow and a hug
Seriously it's amazing <3

 Anyways that's it for this post
if anyone needs me you know where I'll be 
Happy sailing my kittens~

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love and kisses to all~~ <3

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Current Obsessions

Hello my kittens~~ 
So I'm going to go through what is basically the only thing on my mind lately
and no it doesn't involve AC4 yet
cause my copy didn't arrive yet.... :(

Anyways on to greener pastures 

Let's start to what have eaten through 95% of my life
which is *drumroll please*
Or as it's known in English Attack on Titan
*Yes I wrote the Japanese part on my own thank you! my Japanese has been improving*

So if you follow me on any of my social medias like 
you will know how obsessive I am about this
it's bad
it's really really bad!!
which explains why I got this~~
Kychain is huge! more than a half A4 paper

I know it might looks normal, but I'm not really that old to the fandom, I'm pretty new, like a couple of months, and I'm super obsessed about it, I actually think obsession is a light way to describe it
I wish I was joking...
I also have the Survey Legion poster printer to my bed wall and on my phone's background and lock screen, and I may or may not have ordered the necklace but is yet to arrive....
Ok I'll stop now XD
But seriously, Attack on titan is amazing, and it's Shounen which is like perfection to me
I read and watch only Shounen cause I can't stand that Shoujo stuff so yaay~~

Next Obsession? Adrian Von Zielger <3

More specifically his amazing music, especially the Celtic Music
I can't even begin to describe how in love I am with this album!
it's also super cheap like the whole 23 tracks can be downloaded for 8$!!!
Also listening to it while writing this post XD
but seriously guys check the guy out on Youtube
if you're into MMOs or just amazing music
he'll be an enchanting experience <3

Next is Pokemon X an Y~~
Yes both cause one game isn't enough for me XD

Anyways I already played Y and finished it and now working on X
And Honestly these games are beautifully made
it's freaking flawless!!
I'll review them once I'm done with X I promise~~

This is why I love these games btw XD

 how cute is this?? there was confetti too <3<3


And last is basically the book I wanted since it was released cause dude

Honestly this man is a magician I mean come on!! how can you be so awesome??
but yeah, this book is as awesome and probably even more awesome
I don't know I just started reading it
I'll rant my feelings about it once I finish it XD

So many things to do so little time
I don't even have time to work on my manga...
I need more than 24hrs a day I need Hermione's Time-Turner seriously....

So yeah that's it for this post~~
Thank you for reading~~
Keep your eyes peeled for the AC4 Black flag Unboxing any day now
*if the package arrives!*

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love and Kisses to all <3<3

Friday, October 25, 2013

Pokemon: The Origin talk

Hello my Kittens~~
I know like forever since I made a post
When you have college + new games + new obsession = no time whatsoever
Please blame 進撃の巨人 for making my mental state spiral down into hell... XD
Oh did I mention I'm also self studying Japanese?
So barely any time...

It's not going to be a long post really XD
Whatever I know you don't care about my complaining XD 
So I'm here to talk about this
Did you watch??
If not then WTH are you waiting for???


I think they should do one for each Pokemon Game
cause this is perfect
I love it
it's flawless~~ <3

It seriously brought my faith back into Pokemon as an Anime 
Let's not talk about Ash XD
I don't hate the kid, but he sucks as a trainer!
Now Red is Just pure badassary in a person!

For God's sake please do this for all Pokemon Games

Oh yeah I'm sorry this post will probably make no sense XD
But seriously go watch it!

I'm almost done with the new Pokemon Games X & Y
so there will totally be a review
cause GOD those games are just *sigh* 
I can't express how happy I am with these games

GAME FREAK you make me such a happy girl <3

And I'm sorry right now I'm too much of an obsessive psycho fangirl to talk about SnK
My sanity in a constant deteriorating rate because of it XD

That's it for this post~ Hope you liked it?

Thanx for reading and Stay tuned for the next one
Love and Kisses to all~~ <3

Friday, September 20, 2013

Kingdom Heart 1.5 Remix Limited Edition Unboxing

Hello my kittens~
So as promised the unboxing is here~~
And I'm super excited about it
When I heard that the Limited Edition will have 
Tetsuya Nomura (my idol) never seen before sketches
I was like AHFGHKSHS
I need this in my life XD
Sadly it was out of stock on Amazon...
Thankfully, the awesome people in GamesQ8
had it available a couple days later
I got it!! and I 'm really happy about it!
I've been a KH fan since forever
I didn't play all the filler games
so this is pretty good
and they're pretty smart to release this after announcing the KH3
SE Marketing deserves a medal~
As a person with brains
and internet
I can see the 2.5 remix coming, which is pretty awesome!!
Thank you Square Enix for making my relive my childhood <3

The Artbook is quite short sadly, more like the FFXIII-2 Artbook
I wish I could get a full artbook made up of just Tetsuya Nomura's sketches <3
That man knows how to draw pretty things <3

And that's it for this unboxing~~
I don't know if I should do the game review
mainly because I'm just replaying older games with HD
I'll just have to wait an see if it's necessary to do so~~

That's it for this post~~

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post ~
Love and Kisses to all ~~ <3

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Gunnar Glasses Review

Hello my Kittens~
It's been a while I know XD
Sorry ran out of things to blog about...
and time to be honest,
after all
I'm working on a huge project, Learning Japanese and started a new semester
But I will always find a thing to blabber about! 
Don't worry XD
So let's go~

So I first hear about Gunnar Glasses from a friend a while back,
I thought it was a nice idea and so on, but for some reason I completely forgot about them
So around summer I resumed my heavy gaming sessions
all week long
which isn't a problem
but my eyes would always get dry, red an exhausted!
So I remembered these bad boys for some reason XD
And I decided to get them and try them out!

So what are they?
Ok fancy talk aside, the lenses are yellow
to make the screen flare (TV/Computer) less intense 
it's supposed to trap moisture between the lenses and your eyes
making it hard for your eyes to go dry.
Also it's supposed to prevent the regular headaches people get from gaming. *we all know these*
And it's supposed to fit comfortably under the headset mainly because I got the gaming glasses
I think the Computer styled ones are supposed to fit comfortably too
but I'm not too sure, so don't say I said that!

So this is the beauty I got!
I got the Gaming Style Intercept Z in Onyx 
mainly cause I like big glasses.
I got them 2 weeks ago, 
so I had enough time to test them out.

So how did this fare out?
Honestly I love them, they help keep me focused
my eyes don't dry up as easily, they did dry once or twice, 
but that's still an accomplishment for it!
They also hadn't gone red in all those 2 weeks!! 
2 full weeks of either 7+ hrs of PC gaming
or 12+ hrs of being in front of my PC
Also hadn't got a serious headache like I used to in the longest time
I think I even forgot what headaches feel like XD
I used to get migraines all the time!
They don't sit comfortable on my ear... 
Ok to be honest I do have a bit of a larger head on the sides
so that might be it.
but that only occurs after 6+ hrs of wearing
even though, they don't feel awkward under headsets
which my old glasses used feel so weird under them...
however XD
a few days ago my dear Mother sat on the glasses!!
Lenses and all!
it didn't even get hurt that seriously,
The hinges were damaged a bit, but nothing a glasses person can't fix
now they sit perfectly on my ears

So the glasses get a 4.5/5
I honestly like them a lot, 
It was worth the money, and if this pair get seriously damaged somehow
I'll get another without a second thought
It helped with my distortion, headaches, red dry eyes
also I can drive at night with them!
*always had trouble driving at night with all the lights..*
Since the lenses reflect the lights in a way that doesn't make it hard for me to focus!
Even my Dad  wants one after trying it while driving at night.

So I hope you enjoyed this post
and found it useful~
I'll be hopefully soon once I get my KH 1.5 Remix Limited Edition 
be posting an unboxing!!

That's it for this post!

Thanx for reading and Stay tuned for the next post~
Love and Kisses to all ~ <3

Sunday, September 1, 2013

Bunraku Movie Review

Hello my kittens~
Today's post is a movie review~~ Haven't done one of those in a while
This one will have a slight different way of reviewing
mainly because it's a bit different
and there's not much of the categories that can be applied to it~ 
and basically from now on
I'm not going to stick to a specific way of reviewing movies because it's unfair
to compare the same categories

So let's begin~

So this is one of those movies where you'll most likely pass it cause 
honestly I didn't see it being advertised enough
not that I care really
it has GACKT! more than enough reason to make me watch a movie, series 
But duude! Like Gackt isn't enough, 
there's Josh Hartnett, Woody Harrelson and Ron Perlman
Jaw dropped yet?

I really really enjoyed this movie, 
Action Wise I have to admit I was bored at some parts,
but nothing is perfect so who cares

So we have The Drifter, the typical cowboy type anti-hero who out for revenge
what I like about him is that he's petrified of heights, which added it's own humorous twits to the movie 
That was actually one of my favourite things about his character
other than that he just kickass and not much of a clever dialogue to him (booo)

I don't plan on talking about all the characters because that would be too long and boring
but I loved the characters' interaction
the development is minimal but still there so it gets an extra point

the plot twists will keep you on your toes
because honestly I didn't see many of them coming
which is saying a lot for a person who only watches action, thriller or horror type movies.

And the fact that Ron Perlman was still a freaking badass no matter what is awesome to be honest

I really really enjoyed the fighting scenes, the Japanese ones are very elegant and poised that you see in Yoshi
While the Drifter's style is brutal and ruthless
I liked the contrast in it, it was entertaining to watch 
The Villains are heartless and like to kill
which kind of gets you to cringe when one of the main characters get horribly almost killed and stuff

I liked the speech that Nicola gave to the Drifter, about that unless you're willing to do 
the dirty work and skip the honorable shit you're going to lose. 
It was very realistic.

But then the ending happens and it's kind of predictable
But it's all about whether or not it was enjoyable right?

I did enjoy it, I liked all the weird characters, the cartoony feel to the movie
in the end when the movie ended 
I felt hmm, this is a good movie probably one of the best I've seen recently 
(let's not talk about the movies lately)

but all and all the movie gets a 4.5/5 which is pretty good
I was only bored for about maybe 10-15 minutes throughout the entire movie
which isn't bad~

I do recommend this movie not only because it has an amazing array of actors
   but it's a good watch~~

That's it for this post and hope you enjoyed it~~

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~~
Love and Kisses to All~~ <3

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

The Time Keeper Book Review

Hello My Kittens~~
Today's blog post is a book review~~
I honestly am in love with this book
as I haven't felt like this since I've read the Alchemist

Alright Let's start~~

The Time Keeper is one of those interesting novels that has a twist
and Will probably leave the a huge impact on the reader's life

Might contain spoilers
My thoughts on it start from here:

So this book talks about Dor who spent his whole life wanting to count time
and it shows how humanity went downhill from there
Days and satisfaction slowly disappeared from the heart of humans
leaving them always striving for more
More time
More work
More accomplishment
More money
More stress
More Fear
More Terror

Nothing is enough
Nothing has a meaning
Everything stays for a bit and then
Leaves an empty feeling behind it

Why did Humanity need more time?
Why isn't anything enough?
That is because every Human is wrapped up in their own world
they don't look around them
They don't think

They only want more
and in that they want to live Forever
after all
There's nothing more than Forever

I loved this particular part in the book:
"There's a reason why God limits our days." Dor
"Why?" Vicktor asks
"To Make each one precious"

This book
Has taught me that time is a blessing
it's precious
and there's no need to be greedy 
you get what you need

As long as you make the most of it

I recommend this book for anyone who wants their life changed Forever
to have their concept 
their thoughts
and their reality awakened

It will change how you see things
and as I went through the books I got goosebumps all the time
it's an amazing ready

and it's not too long which makes it all worth the while as well.

That's it for this post~~

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~~
Love and Kisses to all~~ <3

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

S.K.I.L.L SP2 Beta Keys Giveaway

Hello my kittens~~
Whao my First Giveaway ever!
and it's video Games related XD

So I have 3 Closed Beta Keys for a first person shooter online game
S.K.I.L.L Special Force 2


Sadly I'm not big on FPS games
But I feel sad that those beta Keys should go to waste,
Oh and did I mention that the game is free to play??

The game does look gorgeous and the graphics are very pretty~

So if you want one of those Closed Beta Keys
leave a comment saying why you want them~~

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love and Kisses to all~~ <3