
Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Hello Everyone~~
I know, I know
I've been a bad girl...
I haven't been posting for like forever~
But I have good reasons!!!
First I had a chemistry midterm....

Chemistry takes at least a week to finish studying....
and the horrible result is I still manage to screw up after a week of studying....
Also, I've been drawing none stop
(which is rare, cause instead of artblock, I have artopening)
which is basically I can only draw in a specific time of the month....
(not related to the lady's time of the month)
It happens randomally, and when it does I spend all my time seizing the time to draw....
So as an apology I'll upload my latest drawing~~

So he's like my new angel/demon/awesomeness
(I don't draw guys often, but when I do I love them)
I have this habbit, which is when I draw a character more than once I name them
He's what I've been drawing all last week so~~
His name is Raikou~
Le't bring him up~~

Is it wrong that I love him~~~??
When I draw my guys I like to give them tons of piercing I don't know why...
it's a bad habbit.....

So in the end I just wanted to make up for all the time I didn't post anything
with something I sketched (by pencil)
Hope you like it~~

Thank you for reading~
Stay tuned for the next post
Love & kisses to all~~