
Saturday, October 29, 2011

My Life so far

Hello Everyone~~~
Long time no blog...
Sorry about that, I was just totally stumped by the amount of work needed when you have 4 labs a week...
But there is a lot of interesting things that happened lately~

So first the Annual Kuwait Book Fair #36
It was a total fail....
There was barely any English novels nor any helpful scientific
I only bought two novels... :(

The only reason the Book Fair was fun is because I went with my awesome friend~~~

Anyways It was then that I fell in love with Stephen King
He's probably one of my favourite Thriller authors right no ^w^

And my search for the Son of Neptune by Rick Riordan continues,
I went on Friday to Virgin Megastore to only be stumped by the fact that book isn't arriving
there before two months...

The reasons I've been so lazy lately are these babies~~

I got another Stephen King Book and a book by C.J.Sansom~~ <3

And my very very addictive PS3 game Dynasty Warriors 7
When I come home I'm either reading or playing DW7 ooooor~ Re-watching Supernatural~~ <3

I spend most of my time with @MJassim92 ~~ she's awesome ^w^

Just her and me chilling with some Krispy Kreme
I got my favourite Banana/Mango/Strawberry smoothie~~ <3
And she got her favourite Oreo smoothie ^w^

And my poor little cat Lilo landed on her left paw in a bad way which led to a small fracture and she was limping :(
So we took her to the vet and he gave her some injections to help her, I took her again today for
the follow up ^w^

She was really tired when she got the injections...
Poor kitty :(

On Friday I went out with sis and @NOOMZzii <3~~

It was fun, we did a little shopping and had fun and we had dinner at Johnny Rockets~~ ^w^

*This burger really drained all the stress of the week, and plus I love my burgers <3*
I'm in love with Rocket burger <3 they're special sauce is really amazing ^w^

Well that's preetty much it for this post
I'll try to post soon

Thank you for reading Hope you enjoyed

Stay tuned for my next post~ <3
Love & Kisses to all <3

Monday, October 10, 2011

Nail Tutorial with limited tools~

Hiya Everyone~~~
So I was wondering what should I do for my next post...
So I was doing my nails 
and I was listening to All American Nightmare- Hinder~~~ <3
A part of the lyrics is "Red, White, Blue*
Funny thing is....
I already did my nails the day before with base of Blue and White~~~

I though I might as well do something fun with my nails~
So ended up with the USA flag on my nail ^w^
*Warning: This is my first Nail art attempt ever!! So of course it's 
Not awesome or the best nail art Tutorial in the world...*

So what you need:
1- Many many Q-tips
2- A box of tissues *or whatever you use for removing nail polish*
3- Nail Polish remover *Any brand as long as it's good is fine*
4- A normal paint brush *I only used it on my right hand, because I can't manipulate the regular nail polish brush with my left hand....*

5- An old and unwanted mechanical pencil
*It's very useful for drawing tiny details*

So here are the base colours:

1- Zoya's Snow White nail polish
*I forgot to shake it before taking the pic... but I love this shade, it's pure white and has a matte-ish finish*

2- Caris Gold in Blue No. 40
*It's just a random nail polish that is peel-off-able? is that even a word.... Anyway it's very opac
and amazingly rich, I mean one coat is enough and you don't have to use nail polish remover for it~ <3*

You just need one more color and a top coat now~ ^w^

1- Claire's Nail polish extra strong in Red 42
*You can see it's a bit faded.... This is a heavy duty nail polish... It's beautiful red not to bloody and not too orange, it's just perfect I love it~ I'm glad I got this as a gift from Claire's*

2- Rimmel London 60 seconds clear top coat
 *Probably not the best top coat.... it doesn't dry up in 60 seconds.....
But it's not bad either so meh, use any top coat you want.*

Point: Pictures of the process don't exist because I'm very messy when I do my nails,
and if I took pics it will look like a horror show and I will get polish on my camera....

Step one: Start by doing your base coats, and build it up so the color is strong and not see through.
-You can choose which fingers to put on the white and the blue colours on your on, but I had 7 white base fingers and three Blue.
-And the reason for that is white looks okay on it own, but dark blue is a bit harsh and it doesn't work well with this nail look.

*This is the only pic of the process I have :(*

Step two: Get your red nail polish~ and start drawing some strips on the white base~
-Point: Don't draw red strips on all your white base nails, it will look too much...
-For my left hand I drew the strips using the brush of the nail polish itself, cause 
I'm used to using thick paint brushes anyways *Yaay artist advantage*
but for my right hand *I'm right-handed people* I needed to use the painting brush because it's easier to use
when you're drawing with your opposite hand~

Step three: Take the white nail polish brush and drop a few drops of the white nail polish on a board *I used a card I had* and from there, start dipping the mechanical pencil *make sure the graphite is not pointing out... we're working with white here, maybe some other dark colors it'll be fine...* 
and start making dots on the blue nail base *dots are easier to deal with as you will notice the white polish will run out fast, plus make sure the dots are close to each other.*
-Start making a shape for the stars, do as many as you like, but I only did two on each of the two blue bases *I left one base empty*

Wait for all of it to dry and then add your top coat~

This is the finished look~

 Left hand *a bit messy...*
 Right hand~~ * a bit messy too*

And that is it~ 
Sorry it was a bit boring and looooooooooooooong
I wanted to cover everything ~
I guess this goes for all my lovely friends from USA~~~ <3
Thanx and that's it for this post

Peace out my lovelies~~~~~
Love & Kisses to all <3

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Kustie's Natural Lady Kiwi Fruit and Aloe Peel-Off mask review

Hiya everyone~~~
I'm here with another review~~~ 
I'm very excited about this review,
Because this mask is amazing~~~

So let's starts with the mask's name *I'm warning you it's quite a mouthful...* 
It's Kustie's Natural Lady Kiwi Fruit + Aloe whitening and spot removing peel-off mask
*Whew that was long...*
Here it is~

So, here's is my review on this awesome mask~
First of all the ingredients are fully natural~ <3
and they are listed in the back, all of which are readable *not the chemical nonsense*

When I apply it to my skin it in a gel like concentration which is good for combination/oil skin
it dries up into a tight mask, it feels like you applies white yolk to your face
It'll be hard to smile and talk, you can touch it to see if it completely dry
if it's a bit sticky wait a bit longer
I can't give you an exact time, because it depends on how much you apply to your skin

Anyways after it's completely dry you can peel it off *Hello Captain Obvious*
It'll be a bit painful, it very bearable,
I mean you're peeling off a mask what do you expect?

After you do that it says massage your skin so you can look in the moisture, and voila~
After I removed the mask my skin was glowing,
it was 50% lighter
my acne scars were less visible
and my face just felt fresh and healthy~~

*Sorry for the lack of pics, I took the pics, but then when I compared there were no difference,
due to the fact that my camera has an auto skin clearing mode, and I don't know how to undo it...*
# It's super cheap *for an effective mask~ <3*
# The container is very convenient
# Doesn't irritate skin
# All natural ingredients
# Clears and lightens the skin and acne scars

# It takes a long time for the mask to dry
# A bit painful to peel-off

Q: Will I recommend this to anyone?
You bet~ <3 it's amazing and gentle on the skin.

Q: Will I repurchase it?
Absolutely, there is no doubt about it, it's a great product.

That's it for this post, hope you enjoyed reading it
And I hope it's helpful and informative <3

Thanx for reading, and see you on my next post~ 
Love & Kisses to all <3
Nonno <3