
Monday, May 28, 2012

Decutan Full Review

Hello my kittens~~
Even though I was supposed to do a movie review
I wanted to post this one first
cause I totally forgot about doing it in time
*sorry for the long post...*
Anyways let's go~~~
Let's start from the beginning~~

I am an almost 20 years old female
My whole life I had acne,
in High school it was bad
but thank god we didn't have bullying in my school
so it didn't really add on my already depressed mentality.
I had huge ugly cystic acne with white heads
it would hurt just to bend over!!!
I hated my face,
I went almost for a year without looking at my face in the mirror
I would just focus on something else...
I tried many things, nothing worked out
My mom told me it will fade away by collage
So when I went to collage,
it didn't... 
It actually got worse....
so I went to a dermatologist
she gave a lot of topical creams
I spent a lot of many
it worked for a bit
then it stopped making any difference 
So I stopped using her creams and went to a different dermatologist
He told me that's a medicine is a better for me
than topical creams.
so I said sure hit me, I already tried almost everything.
the medicine was a bit expensive
and having to pay for it and go to collage and eat and all that
but my parents helped me a bit so I'm grateful for them <3
Ever since I took it I stopped breaking out,
everything was peachy minus two side effects
Dry skin and dry lips....

So if you don't know
Decutan is an acne drug, used to treat hard cases of acne
I was on Decutan since 1st of August 2011, My last pill was someday of February 2012
*don't remember the date...*
I was dreading the day cause I thought everything will be back to how it was
that I would break out and life would be hell again....
I actually delayed the last pill for a day so I wouldn't stop...
but eventually I had to take it...
and a week after I stopped I didn't feel any difference!!
no break out, no problems nothing
and if I do get a pimple it would be tiny
and go away on it own!!!
I'm soo happy I was on it
even though I had nose bleeds
and I still suffer from dry lips
and sometimes dry skin 
if I don't moisterize well enough
but I got rid of it!!! I no longer have acne~~~
and Now I'm on the road to dealing with acne scars....
I will soon post my after Decutan skin routine
and what are my products
the stuff I use~
Also there will be three skin product reviews coming up
one very soon
and the others I need to test them first so wish me luck ^w^

Hope you enjoyed this post, it was very hard for me to talk about
many of the things
sorry I didn't post before and after pics
cause I don't have before pics
I wouldn't even take pics of myself till maybe a year and half ago
that's how much I hated it...
Anyways that's it for this post~~~

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~~
Love and Kisses to all~~~ <3

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

John Carter Movie review

Hello My kittens~~
I've decided to do this thing
Where I review movies
Old one, new ones, doesn't matter
Movies I haven't watched
And give you my honest opinion about them ^w^
in these following catagories
Authenticity of fighting/or whatever action related thing

Ok so Today's review is about the infamous movie
John Carter

I don't know why it had such low rating...
I loved the movie soo much
and I'm so saddened by the fact that they
will not continue the Trilogy :(

Anyways off to the review~:

I think it's hard to find a movie with bad graphics at this time
but I found it very believable rarely did I see
the obvious Green screen glow thing 
I just loved the graphics. 
I'll give it a 5/5 for graphics.

Ok the story is pure Sci-Fi
but considering I'm a Sci-Fi fan I loved it!!!
it was amazing, I loved all the tiny details taken in creating
the legends, the other creatures, the people
Everything was so detailed, it was obvious it was meant
to have a continuation.
But the story did start off slow at the first maybe 15 minutes
almost lost me, but I decided to do 
the 20 minutes test I do, and it did
pull me in soon after.
Story will get 4.5/5 for the slow start.

Considering that there was a lot of computer generated
characters, I didn't feel it was fake a bit,
the interaction between the actors was fluid
the chemistry was there
The actors were nice :) especially
Taylor Kitsch being shirtless most of the movie~~
But also the guys get Lynn Collins in skimpy outfits too
so I guess it's a win-win XD
Acting get 4.75/5 for a meh villain.

Authenticity of fighting/or whatever action related thing:
The action was there, it's a very fast paced movie
I tend to get bored a lot in slow movies
but I didn't get bored in it at all,
The fighting wasn't as awesome as it could've be
but it wasn't obviously fake
Maybe I'm just a bit picky about how my fighting should be XD
So all of that get 4.5/5 ^w^

The major win of this movie has to be the details in the outfits
I am an artist so I'm such a detail freak, and I check everything
in the clothes and accessories in Sci-Fi movies
And this outfits were awesome if I do say so myself
So my cup is raised to the people responsible for them
Dan Grace
David Crossman

Colleen Kelsall
 Costumes get 5/5 from me ^w^

So overall the movie is really good, I'm sad that it got such low rating
Maybe the time they chose for the movie release was bad
Such a shame, considering it's such a good movie

Anyways that's it for this review~
Hope you enjoyed reading ^w^

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love and kisses to all <3~~

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Another Blog post ^w^

Hello my kittens
soo soon~~~
Ok so this is basically a useless post
about s bit of everything~~

Let's start with nails~~~
This is a nail graffiti with an Assassin's Creed twist ~~ <3

Here's Katniss Hunger Game's Hair
It's the side "moving?" Dutch braid~
It did take a lot of practice I finally mastered doing it~~
I did this quickly at collage when I couldn't take the heat and
survive with my hair down for the rest of the day ^w^

Myself, @Hs_Kake and @MJassim92 went to 
have lunch before our Lab Final <3

It was sooo much fun!!! We were sitting there laughing our a$$ off for no reason at all 

 I wanted to post a few cat pics~
This is my BFF @NOOMZ_
New cat~~ hope she keep it <3

<3 cuuuute~~~

And here's my attention seeking cat giving everyone the evil look :D


Ok so here's the end of this most useless blog post ever~~~~
I hope you enjoyed reading it ^w^

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~~
Love and kisses to all <3


Hello my kittens,
Sorry for the long time no existence...
It's not I've been slaking of or anything, it's just
my internet was dead for a long time
And it wouldn't work anything, so after such a long time

So let's start with everything~~~
Okay first of all I got myself two electronics over the past month~~

I got Blackberry 9810 Torch~~
I got to say I love it so much
even though I want to smash it on the floor sometimes... 

Okay the second thing I got is a looot cooler than anything in the world~~~

I've been wanting this baby for two years!!!
I finally got my Alienware M14X

It's sooo epic!!!!!
It's beautiful <3
It sparkles~~~ <3

Here are the nails of the month <3
 Just simple polka dots nails~~~


 So here I am with my BFF @HS_Kake
Trying to cram for out Organic chem midterm, which we both
passed~~~ <3

My super cute new USB flash~~~ super cute 
I love it~ <3 though my cat find it as an enjoyable 
toy to toss around....

This is my new favourite drink Hawaii Blue from Freeze~
So amazingly tasty~ <3
Ok so as an apology is my current project~~
This is my fighter Gersemi 
it still need work, but I'm almost done ~~~


Anyways I'm soo sorry for not posting anything for a long time
it wasn't my fault...
I hope you enjoyed this post 
cause that's it for now~
Hope it wasn't too long~~

Thanx for reading this post~ and stay tuned for the next post~
Love and kisses to all <3