
Saturday, May 24, 2014

Another Anime Review

Hello my kittens~
I know I know where the hell have I been?
But considering that last course I've been having exams from 
MARCH all the way to MAY 
I think I have a good reason~
and yes I took another summer course because what is life XD
I've also had a lot of shit to deal with but anyways let's get to the good stuff~

This is a Horror/Mystery anime
which got me quite interested

I usually watch Shounen and pretty much anything that has no connection to this world
because I'm bored of normal stuff XD
but this one is pretty good

it's a great mix of creepy and normal
they also do this thing where they only give you a little bit 
just so you can't go on living without watching the next episode
As a human being with the attention span of a squirrel 
I don't like watching more than 2-3 episodes of anything per day
Including Psycho-Pass
(which is considered one of my top favourite)

But this one...
I finished it in one sitting XD
I couldn't stop watching!!
It starts off slow but things pick up from the 3 episode
where you start questioning your life

and honestly I gotta hand it to them I'm usually pretty good at predicting what happens
especially in the mystery genre
but they had me fooled all along
The plot twists are a killer
I love the story

But I hated the ending...
it was one of those ending that tie up all loose ends
I like the endings that keep me up at night wondering WTF

but all and all this anime is very very good
there's 13 episodes in total starting from 0-12

So go watch it if you're into this genre 
cause the animation is good,
the story is great, the characters, the development and the whole thing
it's worth the watch~

Hopefully I'll be back to posting regularly but considering I have 3 classes for summer 
and I'm signing up for KISR in August
I don't think I have time to breathe
But I'll try talking about nutty stuff

Especially since Watch Dogs is going to be released in 3 days~~ 
I already pre-ordered my game
Did you???

Thank you for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love and kisses to all <3