
Saturday, April 21, 2012

DMC Classic HD Collection Review

Hello My kittens~~
Long time no post~
I have to reasons for that...
One I'm being murdered in my classes again this semester...
and second I had nothing interesting to blog about...

A few days ago I decided to get myself the Devil May Cry Classic HD collection
Mainly because I love Dante and all.
The game comes in a cool case and all,
And I got my game from

Plus the games are very addictive~
Ok Let's start
I loved the DMC 2 as I didn't have problems with it at all~
I like killing the demons and so on,
and I love having my wallet drained out of red orbs just to buy the freakin
Vital stars....

Anyways, I did have problems with the DMC and DMC 3
The first DMC the voices weren't synced with the video at all, it's really annoying,
I first have to listen to Dante speak
then read the subtitles to understand what the demons are saying...
it was just pure awful....
The DMC 3 had a similar problem, but the Audio was synced in some places
and out of Sync in others,
I first thought maybe it's cause I got PAL instead of NTSC
but that's not related cause my PS3 is European not American,
so it shouldn't have problems with PAL,
but I guess it's a problem with the game itself, like the problem with MindJack...
But naturally the game is still exactly the same, which was all and all awesome,
because technically my PS2 is busted and I felt like replaying the DMC series again,
Minus the bad Audio, the games is very playable
and will get you sucked into the action in no time
All and All I will still continue to play the games, cause they're awesome,
I'll give it a 6.5/10 cause I'm not as affected with the Audio syncing that much
but I seriously like the games so the Audio syncing problem isn't gonna annoy me that much
But I thought I would point out the problems it has just in case.
Anyways that's it for this post~
Hope you enjoyed it and Keep on the demon hunting~

Thanx for reading and Stay tuned for the next post~
Love and Kisses to all~~ <3