
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rescue Me by The Nail Doctor Review

Hello My Kittens~~
It's time for a product review~
I wanted to do this review for so long now,
but when I got it I was overwhelmed with projects and finals 
That I couldn't do it...
But now here it is and I hope you enjoy it ^w^

So this review is going to be about a nail treatment Called Rescue me
By the Nail Doctor
This is how the box look like, I was very disappointed by the size it's sooo small....

 This is the box from the back, it basically says what in the front, it's useless they don't tell you how many time you should use it, or how is the application time is meant to be...

 These are the bottles next to a pencil.... see how tiny??

 You're supposed to apply toughen up first then apply rock on,

So now the pics are over now to the review:

So it promises an end to thinning, peeling and splitting nails in only ten days!!!
Did it do that??? Not 100% anyways, it helped with the splitting at the side of my nails, but it didn't really 
make my nails any stronger, the moment I wipe it off, it's useless, my nails go back to weak and sad...

So it might be a good base coat...
I'll give it a 6/10 only because it helped git rid of the splitting only....
And I don't think it's really worth the money, for something that costs that much and is so tiny and not so
so I won't be buying it again...
That's it for this post~~
Hope you enjoyed reading it

Also these are my honest thoughts I was not paid for this review *obviously considering I slandered the product XD*

Thanx for reading and stay tuned for the next post~
Love & Kisses to all ~~ <3 

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