
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Miracle Toner

Hi EveryOne~
Today I'm gonna review my fave toner of all time
It's Loreal's White Perfect Whitening Toner

I first got my hands on it about 6 months ago, my mother bought it but never used it, and I had a severely dry face which was and still acne prone, so I couldn't use moisturizers, so I started using it, and I was soooo surprised by the results.
Don't you just hate it when a product says it will give you instant glow and it gives you nothing?
This didn't happen here, the moment you put it on your face it gives instant dewy glow, I loooooove this product and the bottle last for a long time even my mom went and got another one.

1. Hydrates your skin leaving it refreshed and light.
2. Gives a radiant like affect.
3. Even though it's exfoliant it's gentle on the skin
4. Doesn't cause break outs.

1. Maybe it's just a little expensive for a super market brand, it costs 7.490$

Will I buy it again? YES!!!! I will buy it again and again and again.

Overall: Very good product, worth the money, it's package is pretty good, easy to use, and does what it promises, I do recommend this product very much, it's really amazing.

FYI: This review wasn't sponsered by anyway, these are my thoughts and responses to the product I wasn't paid a cent to right this review.

Loves and kisses to all, stay tuned for my next review~

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