
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Gyaru Gal Fashion

Hi EveryOne~

So lately I've been obsessed with with the gyaru gal fashion.
I love all the cute dress, simple natural make up and cute curly hair.
It all started with one model : Tsubasa Masukawa.
                     Tsubasa-chan is one of the cutest Gyaru gal style models, currently she models for PopSister, she is Married to Noaki Umeda and has a baby boy, yes she is a mommy I don't believe it myself. Tsubasa has a make up line and a foundation(base) line Coming up along with the Dolly wink eyelashes line already out.

Naoki and Tsubasa

Then The second model who is my current obsession (creepy huh?) Is Kumikki-chan

Kumikki-chan's real name is Kumiko Funayama, She's PopTeen's Fave model, I mean she's on every cover.
Not that she's not cute, I love kumikki-chan alot, she's cute and adorable, she's like a little girl, in a good way, she does one thing wrong that I hate and that is the huge bow she sometimes wears...

This is my last current fave Gyaru Gal model
Gugu-chan is a obviously a Gyaru Gal model for egg, Her hair used to be gyaru blonde (it's not exactly like American blonde) then she switched to Brown and finally to two toned hair, Half brown half blonde. She's super cute and have a baby face.

Anyways Thanx for reading, more about Gyaru Gal Fashion will be on soon, Stay Posted.

Pictures courtesy of :
Thanx for awsome gyaru pics~

Love and kisses to all.


  1. wow! I love that style!! especially those eyes! I found a good lenses but I'm not sure this is a good one or not, tell me is good so i'll get it
    thanks :-)
