
Sunday, March 13, 2011

Loreal White Perfect Eye Double Eye Zone Brightener Review

Hello Everyone~~
I know it's been forever, and alot has happened....
But the interent connection is finally better so I can post this.
Today is I'm gonna talk about:
Loreal White Perfect Eye Double Eye Zone Brightener
Here it is:

Ok so this little bottle isn't big, but for I've been using this over  month and still both are pumping
the blue pump: pumps a very cooling gel, that is absorbed inside by the skin quickly.
The white pump: pumps a white creamy... cream, the cream has shimmers in it, that instantly gives a shine to the eye.

The thing I like about this treatment is that as you use it, it does improve your dark circles, but also gives you the feeling it's working immedietly... But considering that the shimmery cream is light, I don't think it'll work for darker skin people.

Overall it's a very good gel and cream. I would go buy it again once I run out, I like it.
So that's it.... I'm sorry it's disappointing right?
I'll do better in my next review, you can blame Pokemon black & White... Been playing white none stop....

Thanks for reading
Love and kisses to all, Bye bye~

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